Wednesday, March 6, 2013

About Me

My name is Aiva Elise Tereault.

My name is inspired by my Great Grandma Eve or Eva.

My birthday is January 21st, 2013.

I made Mondays better by being born on one.

I weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces when I was born.

My favorite people are my mom because she feeds me (nuff said.) She also lets me sneak into bed in the mornings and my dad is next because he always knows how to make me happy.

My eye color is still changing some days they are brown other days they are hazel, we will see what happens.

I love to stretch.

My favorite thing to look at beside my mom and dad is my butterfly on the wall while I get my diaper changed.

I don't like to be swaddled! I can usually get out, I'm that good.

My mom likes this picture because I look like I'm in a blanket version of an old school jail outfit.
Bad to the Bow.

I sleep about 6-8 hours each night. 

I'm a good baby.

I don't really cry I make little faces and tiny sounds instead to show I need something. 

My family loves me.

Grandma Paula always has something new for me to wear.

I have sweet dreams.

I'm learning to smile.

Sometimes I sit with my Grandpa Jeff in his chair and he plays with my legs he calls it my pilates exercising. 

Bath time is the best! My grandma Teresa even made me a towel with my name on it to make me feel special. 

I like holding onto shirts.

I don't like when my feet are covered by blankies. 

I'm tired now, it happens all the time, so goodnight.


  1. Sweet Little Aive, You sound like a Very Precious Baby Girl! I am so glad you came to this earth and your Wonderful Family! I know your parents LOVE You So Much! You Definitely have the Best Mommy and Daddy! I can't wait to meet YOU!!! Love Your, Szazie ❤

  2. What a sweet little girl! You know what they say about "Monday's Child"...... they are "fair of face". She is most certainly that! Congratulations & Best Wishes to you Kenzie & your beautiful family
